SORD – “Strings of RonDoll”

The Japanese have given much to the world, from sushi to origami, but if there’s something that appeals to the young and old alike – it is anime. Add music to that equation, and you’ve got something explosive on your hands. Most anime induced songs have a strong theatrical touch, which is to be expected since most of these songs are written for, or about television shows and movies, but what I mean is there is a very full sound in all their songs, a very over the top and colorful cinematic styled arrangement mixed with bone crushing rock and metal audacity.

With their latest track, “Strings of RonDoll”, the SORD project, featuring Ongakugakari, offers dynamic songwriting, more brooding string atmospherics, and groovy but dark metal riffs. As with many anime artists, they chose an evolution rather than a revolution of their sonic palate, with each new release which works perfectly well for their growing audience.

The track is a hard-edged, 4 minute-plus arrangement with superb melodic vocalizations spread out throughout. The real sonic journey begins with the packed instrumental which is loaded with walls of keyboard effects, catchy riffs, and powered by the groove of the battering drums while the female vocals soar from verse to chorus. The track also features plenty of tasty guitar solos and full-blooded shredding.

All the musical elements and thematic motifs come together to create, a modern pop and rock sensibility with a memorable chorus and catchy riffs, but with enough heaviness in places to be classified as metal as the intense rhythms and breakdowns support the Gothic guitar lines.

This is song that starts off almost sweetly with calm vocals and strings, before quickly breaking into a progression that’s instantly intense and epic. The lead vocals and backing harmonies soar above the instrumental while the heated guitars give chase to the melody.

The song’s atmospheric intro returns briefly in the breakdown, before once again exploding into an uplifting cacophony, where the spectral vocals and strings, build up a tension while all riffs are topped off with euphoric guitar solos that will give you goosebumps.

There are some truly nice progressions on this track that are more exhilarating than what you expected. Sometimes everything works together to make a perfect song for the intended purpose. This happens with “Strings of RonDoll”.

Besides the great musical arrangement ad superb instrumental execution, “Strings of RonDoll” will arguably be remembered for its vocals. The vocals here are stunningly applied by the female singer. This track is a compelling listen for all of the above reasons, and if you’re at all into urgent, vital Japanese anime rock and pop, then anything by the SORD project should immediately be added to your collection.


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