Sonic Amazon – “Come On Over”
Sonic Amazon was created in 2017 by Brazilian songwriter Adriano Taveira together with songwriter and producer, Brad Grobler, from the Netherlands. In 2018, the experienced Los Angeles-based singer and Grammy-nominated songwriter Belle Johnson, joined the band. In partnership with NYC DJ Mike Rizzo, the first Sonic Amazon single “Come On Over” got relevant positions in the USA Charts: #24 position in DJ National Times Chart (April), #29 at MasspoolDJs Charts TOP 60 and currently on #30 Billboard Dance and Club Charts TOP 50. The single has been featured on Billboard for 9 weeks. Furthermore, there is speculation that Sonic Amazon could be the first internet-based online band in history to get a single onto Billboard.
Timeless music is appropriately named as such because it transcends genres and styles. Timeless music brings out emotions and memories. It’s something that you can connect to and feel compelled to share with everyone. We are at the pinnacle of electronic dance music right now and there are a wave of massive electronic anthems that cross over into mainstream pop with a timeless aura attached to them.
“Come On Over” by Sonic Amazon easily qualifies for the aforementioned category. Euphoric chord progressions, lusciously layered instrumentation and awe-inspiring, diva-styled vocals wash all over this recording.
“Come On Over” is a track that ticks all the boxes as not only as a potential massive club hit but also a radio friendly pop-dance number with a kick that will get everyone very excited about any forthcoming releases. Sonic Amazon have comfortably orbited within their bounds, while beautifully straddling the line between a unique sound and the commercial market – the perfect recipe for success.
Sonic Amazon is one of those powerhouse collaborations you never really expect to happen, but makes perfect sense when it does. That’s the beauty of modern technology and the internet. And in a way, once you have listened to them, Sonic Amazon is exactly what you would expect from these three talents.
The track is designed for the top 10, with slow starts and earnest vocals building to that peak point where the song just boils over and drops into a euphoric instrumental and vocal break that just sweeps you away with it. It’s a perfectly arranged track with a strong pop twist, the defining point that makes it stand out more than your usual DJ produced album.
I think that “Come On Over” encompasses all that Sonic Amazon currently stand for – Incredibly appropriate vocal chops that progress into powerful choruses; walls of luscious synths, and banging percussion, it’s all there in various doses, as Belle sings about a love that she truly desires and wants to reignite.
The result is a song that drives a nostalgic feeling which makes you yearn to hold your partner really close, a sensation that is nearly irreplaceable. Sonic Amazon have every reason to be proud of this release!