Preston Harris ft. Rodney E. Burns – “Battle Cry” (A Soldier’s Anthem)
Music composer and songwriter Rodney E. Burns created the song “Battle Cry” (A Soldier’s Anthem) as a catalyst for raising money for Binishells, which are environmentally safe, weatherproof mini-homes for all veterans who are experiencing homelessness. “It feels incredibly gratifying to give back a fraction of what our veterans gave us,” says Burns as the song’s lyrics spell out their story “All gave some, but some gave all”. “How can we ever out give our veterans? We can’t,” continues Burns, “but this song is our way of joining hands with all Americans and saluting our veterans.” Helping out Rodney E. Burns in his noble recording endeavor is R&B singer Preston Harris.
Many musical acts have shown their support for the members of the military over the years, and some have gone so far as to write songs about those who serve their country. Whether the songs are personal accounts of military family or friends of the musicians or a general tale of a soldier’s struggle in battle, these tracks have left a lasting impression on music fans.
But Burns and Harris are going over and above just lauding the troops for their services to their country. They are looking to concretely assist these heroes who have fallen from grace in the process of serving their country, and find themselves homeless.
Why are veterans homeless? In addition to the complex set of factors influencing all homelessness – extreme shortage of affordable housing, livable income and access to health care – a large number of displaced and at-risk veterans live with lingering effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance abuse, which are compounded by a lack of family and social support networks.
Additionally, military occupations and training are not always transferable to the civilian workforce, placing some veterans at a disadvantage when competing for employment. A top priority for homeless veterans is secure, safe, clean housing that offers a supportive environment.
Hence this song raises money to move veterans off the streets and into the aforementioned Binishells homes. They are green homes, fully furnished, environmentally and ecologically harmonious with our earth. Binishells Homes are also earthquake, cyclone, and typhoon proof. Your part of the deal in aiding this process is rather simple, just head over to the dedicated website HERE or click through directly to iTunes HERE and grab a hold of “Battle Cry” (A Soldier’s Anthem).
The amazing thing is, that not only will you be helping a deserving cause, but you will be discovering a great heartfelt song, a superb songwriter and a top drawer R&B singer. “Battle Cry” (A Soldier’s Anthem) is full of passion, compassion and meaningful words that will captivate you and touch your heart. It’s time to say thanks to the veterans, and now you know how you can do that!