Natalie Jean – “He Loves Me”
Singer songwriter and performer, Natalie Jean, is an award winning, multi-nominated artist who is also a voting Member in the Recording Academy (GRAMMYS). The award winning songstress who has been nominated more than 70 times, was also the Gold Medal Winner in the 2017 Global Music Awards for Female Pop Vocalist. She has performed at many venues in the MD/DC area, while making an impact in LA, New York, Nashville, and North Carolina. With 5 albums under her belt and a string of single releases to her name, Natalie has just dropped her latest gospel infused track – “He Loves Me”. After enjoying every step of the sound on her album “Haiti Mwen Renmenw”, and her previous single – the duet with Levi Moore, “The Letting Go”, I have wondered at times how Natalie would top such sincere, poetic, and lyrically well-developed recordings. Et voilà! She shows up with “He Loves Me”. There is an innocence, freedom and unrestrained nature about it.
The track is at once engaging and so beautiful. Its grounding and might instantly become an iPod winner for you. Musically, its contemporary pop and bluesy on it edges and kind of R&B and soul somewhere at its core. It grows into a beautiful full blown chant of intentionally living before the presence of God.
It’s personal, honest, and prophetic, yet it never comes across as lyrically cliched, loose and preachy. Natalie knows how to measure her songs with a perfect balance of sweetness and grit. The song really builds up a sense of excitement. Natalie’s voice is as fiery, passionate and penetrating as ever.
Natalie sings with a controlled but emotional strong vibe: “I am everything that I’m supposed to be, all because he love me. He loves me.” On “He Loves Me”, we hear preparation, we hear hard-work and we also hear talent and the anointing.
On hearing the single first off it immediately occurred to me the amount of hard-work and skill channeled into the the track. Fans of Natalie Jean shouldn’t hesitate to get on this one. And first timers, it’s all the vibe goodness you can get in one track. “He Loves Me” is a strong song with a traditional Gospel under-tone and a contemporary sheen.
Get your heart ready to receive a power-packed track that will remind you of God’s grace on your life. Natalie’s, by now famous gritty growls, set the song on fire. Each fire brings out the best in her unique vocal tone. While listening you hear her sincerity and strong piercing voice that reaches to the core of your heart.
There’s no doubt that while she is mostly known as a secular singer, worship is yet another one of her wining elements. And this track does justice to the powerful ministry that you experience while listening to her. When it reaches its climax you can feel the power in the declaration “He Loves Me”.