Love Ghost – “Let It All Burn”
Love Ghost sprang almost immediately from obscurity with their debut release, and are grabbing fan attention while glorying in the praises of the alternative rock media. Well, by now we’re onto them; we know their influences, we know their imagery, we know what they’re all about, and maybe we aren’t so surprised by their consistent rise anymore. How have they managed to build on from their initial releases? They retain their thick, distorted guitar tones and somewhat direct manner of cutting to the songs’ cores – but the music is more progressively structured and lusciously layered. Their latest song, “Let It All Burn” contains much more interesting and complex instrumentation and presentation. One of Love Ghost’s strengths, which lies in Finnegan Bell’s vocals, has been further enhanced with rich harmonic layers, while the strength of the band’s songwriting continues to evolve and expand.
Make no mistake, Love Ghost is one of the most promising young alternative rock bands on the planet. And young they well and truly are: “Let It All Burn, is how I see the world through my 18-year-old eyes,” says lead singer-songwriter Finnegan Bell. “The hypocrisy and unwanted advice that weighed me down during senior year led to this song. My Dad being diagnosed with stage 3 cancer made me more determined – ‘fuck what they say, I make my own way’.”
This song is a great way of encouraging people to keep pushing through because the human spirit can conquer anything. It shows what has become of society now, and in a way, it really calls out all the nonsense of the world.
Love Ghost bring the usual powerful guitars, with added lead, a strong rhythm of drums, and the driving force of the bass. This time they also bring distinctive keyboards, coupled with their customary meaningful lyrics to push the group to new heights.
The L.A. based award-winning band, now consists of, Finnegan Bell (guitar and lead vocals), Ryan Stevens (bass and background vocals), Samson Young (drums and background vocals), Nicky Renard (lead guitar) and Cory Batchler (keyboards).
Currently working on a new album with legendary producer Danny Saber (The Rolling Stones, U2, David Bowie, Marilyn Manson, etc.), Love Ghost has already toured as far afield as Ireland, Japan and Ecuador.
“Let It All Burn” sees the band revaluate and remap their sound, embracing keyboards and twisting it up with a tornado of emotions and alt-rock riffs. Love Ghost have evolved their sonic palate, while showcasing their ability to pen songs that appeal as much to die-hard alt-rockers as they do chart-music consumers.
The arena-driven chorus-heavy attack of “Let It All Burn” presents one of the finest, mainstream-ready songs the band have penned and performed thus far. Highly addictive songwriting and huge melodic hooks are an instant attention grabber and hold you throughout. Beautifully paced, the track takes you on a melodic journey across a finely-penned, perfectly produced arrangement.
“Let It All Burn” is yet another window inside of a band whose songwriting has always expressed Finnegan Bell’s inner feelings, spilling them into our ears often. It’s what sets Love Ghost apart from other alt-rock outfits, whereas the majority of their peers are focusing on feel-good party anthems, this splendidly focused young collective, always give us a masterclass in coming to terms with the well of emotions that lay inside of us.
This is an easy track to fall in love with, crank up the volume and just give into the marvelous and massive-sounding production. The song was produced by Danny Saber (The Rolling Stones, U2, David Bowie, Marilyn Manson), while the music video was directed by Dean Karr (Evanescence, Ozzy Osbourne, Queens of the Stone Age, Godsmack, Iron Maiden).
Website: https://www.loveghost.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loveghost_official
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loveghost.official
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/LoveGhost
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7oYWWttOyiltgT19mfoUWi?si=uBDs4XScRp-F_7d6oiBvrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/@LoveGhost_
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/loveghost_official
Apple Music: https://geo.music.apple.com/us/artist/love-ghost/345566313?mt=1&app=music