John Tafaro Music – “Counting the Days”
I am an old-school jazz head who, as befitting my times, was exposed to all kinds of music and have embraced most genres for what they are. I remember running to the record store to spend my last money on the latest albums by Miles Davis, Grover Washington, Bob James and David Sanborn, amongst others. I also played a little sax before I hit the wall and my third decade, so I’m no pushover for music. So when I say that John Tafaro Music’s latest single release “Counting the Days” is the most refreshingly new smooth jazz sound I have heard from an unsigned, independent artist in years, don’t sleep on me. This is a very ambitious project. If you shoot for the stars you might hit the moon. This effort, at least, knocks it out of the solar system.
John Tafaro has been producing since the early 90’s, beginning with helping local bands get needed exposure through his public access show “Turn it Up!!”, since then after a chance meeting with Mark Tinley a digital audio expert and who also at one time programmed keyboards for Nick Rhodes of Duran Duran, John decided to take his music production skills to the next level. John composes and arranges mainly Smooth and Contemporary Jazz.
Some fusion elements are here, but the simple bass line defines the composition in a way that reminds me of some classic funky R&B hits. First listening is a head-turner. The track starts off strong and never lets up. Repeated listening also reveals that “Counting the Days” stands up well under scrutiny.
John Tafaro clearly loves his sax sounds and a well-defined drum beat. Not to mention the sparkling guitar improvisation, an all-round smooth and pristine production. This is a beautiful, melodic, and sprawling work of smooth jazz.
“Counting the Days” is ridiculously relaxing, but groovy enough to keep you listening. Speaking of John Tafaro Music is speaking of both greatness and quality in music. His tracks can transmit nothing but love, peace, a positive vibe and hope as well.
Each one is like a different journey which takes you to the same destination: internal harmony and balance. Part of Tafaro’s winning formula stems from the fact that he is never formulaic. He is an extremely impressive master of the good groove. That is something he is at the top of his profession in, and his ability to get funky with it.
“Counting the Days” has multiple moments designed to make heads bob, fingers snap and feet tap. Melody and seduction also both descend on this track and take firm hold. The song finds the saxophone digging deep into that sexy love groove that’s capable of sending hearts into atrial fibrillation.
It certainly is another of those play-it-back-again-and-again tunes. It simply doesn’t let go. It is apparent that “Counting the Days” has been structured so meticulously, but feels completely effortless. Relaxed, easy and just plain sassy. This track is the classic smooth jazz you would expect from a talent such as John Tafaro Music.