Jerry Collins – “Through His Tears”
Lyricist Jerry Collins has been featured on our network of music magazines in numerous occasions. Fresh out of the blocks in November 2016 Jerry, a BMI affiliate, set about putting lyrics to country music tunes. Five month later he had switched to Christian/Gospel music, and by July of this year, he was directly churning out Spiritual rhymes. All through this time Jerry Collins has picked up accolades and critical acclaim as he went about building his catalog for commercial music licensing. A member of the Episcopal Church and a graduate of a small Christian high school, Jerry also has paranormal abilities linked to his tinnitus condition, of which you can find out more on his website at the bottom of the article.
In the here and now, Jerry Collins has just released his umpteenth single, entitled “Through His Tears”, completed with the help of his studio musicians and a vocalist. Hope in God is a recurring theme in Jerry’s music.
It takes a straightforward lyrical approach that has mass appeal and, unlike many Contemporary Christian Music releases, largely avoids clichés. Not only that, but Jerry Collins also has a solid grasp of rhyming, never making them feel too forced and balancing them with near rhymes.
Here on “Through His Tears” he even totally excludes rhyming. For example, in the first verse, the song goes: “Through His tears, He lifted me up and carried my soul / Keeping me from free falling out of His grace and mercy / Through His tears, His love for me is everlasting / Through the years, He lives within me to give me life.” Absolutely no rhyming, which is an unusual trait in popular music.
Jerry Collins also tends to stay within the safety net of familiar and straightforward lyrics. Avoiding cryptic poetry and hidden subliminal messages. Jerry’s lyrics are all out front and written in stone for all to see and understand. “Through the years, He lives within me to share His life.” – I doubt any line could be clearer than that, when it comes to Jerry’s spiritual orientation and above all, dedication, to his faith.
Jerry’s idea, I think, is to not go for any groundbreaking style of songwriting, but rather to stay approachable and relatable which complements the effortless melodies of his songs. Moving ahead in his songwriting career, Jerry Collins sounds more and more confident as he opens up his life through songs that obviously shape his own calling and his own values.