Jashivo – ‘Cancelled World’

Cancel culture — the phenomenon of promoting the “canceling” of people, brands and even events, due to what some consider to be offensive or problematic remarks or ideologies — isn’t all that new. Societies have punished people for behaving outside of perceived social norms for centuries, and this modern version, is just another variation, albeit much quicker and far-reaching. Modern-day canceling is most often performed on social media in the form of group shaming. While cancel culture can help combat wrongdoings, there are also many negative effects, especially when canceling is unduly used. The result is often freethinking people being bullied, ostracized and isolated, simply because we don’t agree with their ideas or way of living.

Singer, songwriter, producer, and artist – Jashivo, along with collaborator, Felix Kotlo thoroughly affronts the problems of ‘cancel culture’ on the track ‘Cancelled World’.

Here, Jashivo makes us think about the question: Is it right? Isn’t this also a form of violence? And he shares: “I ask myself the question, more and more often, why people are so cruel, why all this violence to each other. Where is kindness, where is compassion, where is forgiveness?”

‘Cancelled World’ exemplifies everything that is to be valued and cherished in pop music. It strains against the acts of human failure. The practice of aggression, loathing and indifference that sweeps through society, is translated through lush waves of bouncy, shiny orchestration, and a catchy, almost playful melody. It’s music that makes you feel even when you don’t want to feel anything. It’s the sound of being a human and not a machine.

The music and vocals hits all of the sweet spots. Inside it’s disenchantment with human behavior, the sound of ‘Cancelled World’ is still utterly hopeful, and maintains a sense of engagement with the world, regardless of its ills.

Curiosity and kindness are obviously virtues of Jashivo’s inherent nature. Everything he does sparkles with enthusiasm, with a lack of pretentiousness that’s very refreshing. All of Jashivo’s songs sneak up on you, and before long you’re captivated. ‘Cancelled World’ is probably the sneakiest of all his releases.

The balance between tight production and emotional unravelling is beautifully tempered by the spirited performance Jashivo brings to the table. Hence what on the surface sounds like just another spotless retro-dance and pop crossover production, is really a deeply provocative song on the inside.

The songwriting is top notch, and the production plays a major part in bringing this creation to life. Simply put, Jashivo is both a quality songwriter and performer, and he is more than ably assisted by Felix Kotlo.

‘Cancelled World’ is an explosive cocktail that is as beautiful and profound, as it is an ear hook. It extracts all of the traits that I love most about Jashivo musical aura – the summery warmth, the seemingly carefree exuberance, the thought-provoking lyrics, and the earworm melody – it’s all wrapped up within these few minutes. There are few records this year as sparkly and blindingly colorful, and as deeply meaningful as ‘Cancelled World’.


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