EverIgnite – “On Fire” from the album “SHIFT”
Led by singer and guitarist Chad Anthony, the Denver rock band EverIgnite have been an official unit since the beginning of 2018. Despite their brief career span thus far, the band has already released a full length album, filmed multiple videos, and gained significant notoriety in the scene with strong live performances across the Midwest. Former drummer Anthony, is joined by lead guitarist Kris Litman, bassist Josh Rosa and drummer Jackson Ruggiero, to make up the current EverIgnite line-up. Their release “SHIFT” is absolutely the best melodic rock album of 2018, of that there is no doubt. If you are even remotely a fan of this style of uplifting, wind through your hair, and rocking music, then this is a must have. Utilizing soaring vocals that are also expertly utilized as a harmony tool, high caliber guitarists, layers of lush chord progressions, and insanely sharp hooks, these twelve songs rock you up and down the highway.
Even though melodies run rampant, with stellar vocals, this is a guitar driven album in every sense. I really need to make that distinction in an era dominated by keyboards and computers. The majority of the twelve songs here are definite foot stompers which are cinematically produced for arena rock consumption.
Every single note of this fresh and contemporary record is glittering within the stellar songwriting that pushes the vocals and musicianship to exciting levels. Chad Anthony’s soaring voice along with the thunderous rhythms and the frantic and resourceful guitar skills show that this band possesses a musical depth with plenty of fuel to burn.
Opener, and lead single “On Fire” places the bar at an insanely high level and sets the pace for things to come. This sums up everything that is great about this style of music. Its closely related cousin, “The Slowdown”, is a perfect example of the deftly executed harmony vocals the band employs, above the buzz of churning guitars.
The backing vocals weave in and harmonize with the main vocal line often during the verses and choruses respectively. But there are delicious harmonies everywhere on this album. “Reckless” has a large anthemic chorus which flirts with modern guitar riff before launching into a grandiose rap verse, and then back again.
Other portions that jump out during the initial run through are things like the beautiful male and female vocals that ornaments the outstanding “Starting Over”. The jangling guitars riffs on “Never Be Alone” accomplish the extraordinary as EverIgnite squeezed every bit of muscle out of what they had to work with in the studio.
I couldn’t stop listening to “All In For You” and “Holding On”. In this era of empty headed corporate robot music for the masses, it is refreshing to hear such thoughtful and upbeat music.
Built on up-front guitars and a colorful rhythm section, together with vocals which perfectly harmonize to the feel and mood of each song, there is an undeniable intensity in the performances causing even the slower tunes like “Say Goodbye” and “Fall Into Me” to sound forceful.
But it’s those thick guitar riffs and infectious choruses on “Feel Alive” and “Ripcord” that really ignite this album, before it closes down with the acoustic dominated, “Set On Fire”. Once listened to, it’s no surprise why this album will be raved about by everyone that puts pen to paper about it. For fans of melodic rock, AOR, or even alternative-rock, this album should be a blind buy.