Ero Seagull – “What’s In A Romeo” & “The Gospel”
The Greek-Canadian Alternative Hip Hop artist Ero Seagull released her debut album “Evolution” on June 14th with EMI Universal. The 11 track album was written and recorded during a twelve-month period in Athens, Greece, at The Cave Studio as well as the Future Perfect studio. The recording was produced by Ero Seagull, Dieselbytes Supreme, Marilena Orfanou, mrpc (Afrocream) and engineered & mastered by Ekelon and Selini. The production on “Evolution” is hard-hitting, varied and unpredictable, harboring the sonic chaos needed to harness Ero Seagull’s beautifully delivered, solicitous flow. There isn’t a single moment on this work where the energy simmers down – this is an album that refuses to stop moving. On the contrary, there are moments that it absolutely boils over – like on the rock-driven “What’s In A Romeo”, which features Leon Rhymes from the British band Too Many T’s.
My first impression is that Ero Seagull has long mastered the art of arresting the listener. The energy she brings on “Evolution” is naturally infectious, and further benefits when paired with scorching production. Indeed, “Evolution” is an album that is crafted like an action movie, the record hardly takes a breath.
The blasting bass lines and crisp percussion keep windows rattling from the opening title track “The Gospel” to the industrial explosion of closer “Choose Love” – English Version. Seagull shows she is a cut above her contemporaries. Technically elite, with an encyclopedic knowledge and poetic references, her creative mind is her dominant selling point.
The end result is a most focused work, with stellar performances across all leading categories, including the production. “Here We Are Entertain Us” begins a pattern of introspective inquiring content lurking beneath a crunchy and shimmering musical veneer; the same holds true of “Youth is Wasted on the Young”.
The entire project encapsulates the layered portrait of Ero Seagull as an artist, and as a person I believe, as she examines the world that surrounds her. Seagull has poured herself into “Evolution”, putting the full scope of her artistry on display. Where many new rappers can be traced along a tree of influences, Seagull feels entirely original.
One of the album’s many strengths come from Ero Seagull’s vocal mastery – more specifically, her control of cadence and tone. She can switch from a devil-may-care swagger to sinister low timbres in a snap.
Her dynamic vocal range is perhaps best evidenced by examining the disparate dynamics between “My Inner Moses”, “Rosebud” and “Ero with and E” – three totally different deliveries. “Choose Love” features the talents of Daphne Bluebird, to bring yet another flavor to the recording.
“Evolution” feels like a debut breakout for Ero Seagull, whose unique status combines a young artist’s hunger with a veteran’s poise. Focused narratives and multiple themes – ranging from the personal to the universal and the sublime – enhances the experience, inviting a variety of different interpretations.
Moreover, it’s exciting to hear a wide-ranging, passionate, adrenaline-firing work from a female rapper who really cares deeply, about her craft, and about her artistic integrity. Ero Seagull’s music feels like the work of a restless mind and an enquiring soul, one that consumes life and love in a relentless fashion.