Elix Risqué – “Never Wake Up”
Elix Risqué is wed to modern pop trends, and to the extent that some of her music does make nods to other eras of music, including the synth-driven darkwave genre, but those gestures are filtered through a patently contemporary lens. She poke holes in any cookie-cutter, pop princess-type expectations listeners may have, and makes sure they don’t get in the way of the music. “Never Wake Up” her latest single is the most focused, tight, lean and positively uplifting track she has done this far.
The darker subversive tendencies within Elix Risqué’s debut album “Champagne Problems”, with its overruling ethereal, mystic, and almost supernatural aura, has disappeared on the new single, in favor of a smoother and airier anthem purveying an enchanting sense of amorous fervor. It is extremely distinctive and alluring. It provides “Never Wake Up” with an alt-pop glossiness that’s wide-scope and passionate, but not overplayed.
Elix’s unhurried, heart-of-glass vocal disposition really enhances the single’s affectionate tenderness, with a slight twist of sensual stimulation as she sings: “…I just wanna have a little fun/ Get a little some some with you / Don’t have any plans / I just wanna feel your hands / Start moving over me.” The song slickly packages a feel-good vibe in a way that’s immediate. Dressing desire and relationships up in cotton wool isn’t Elix Risqué’s mission, as she lets her emotions roll out into the open. It’s this predilection for honesty punctuated by vulnerability which gives the track its charm.
To stand out in the world of electro-pop is a difficult ask. The genre has become the bedrock of chart music over the past couple of years, supplied with an endless stream of chart-ready hits from super producers. But Elix Risqué is capable of grabbing attention, due to the fact that she is one of the few who can seamlessly transition a track from the intimate lyrical narratives of a singer-songwriter, into stadium-swallowing electronica. Though on “Never Wake Up”, she keeps the groove metered and balanced in a bucket of warm sunshine that everyone will want to wallow in.
More About Elix Risqué: (Born Elix Poe) is an American singer-songwriter and actor. She started acting in school musicals in 2nd grade and got cast in multiple yearly productions throughout elementary, middle, and high school. As a child, Elix thoroughly enjoyed performing concerts for her family with popular songs from artists such as Britney Spears, Rihanna, Kelly Clarkson, and Christina Aguilera. Elix has been writing songs since middle school and during high school, she used a computer recording software and ended up recording music that she distributed to her friends, creating a fan base all throughout her high school career.
In the summer of 2015, her mother passed away and left her a generous sum of money. After paying off obligations, Elix used some of that money to fund her first professional full-length studio album, “Champagne Problems.” The album was released on September 13, 2016. To promote the album, Elix did a few live performances around the OKC metro area. On July 13, 2017, she released her newest single “Never Wake Up.” She is currently working on her second full-length album, but is keeping the details secret.