DJ Seger – “Summer Vibes”
DJ Seger is a talented DJ and music producer based in Germany. His most recent release is the EP, “Summer Vibes”, which contains vocal and instrumental versions of the track. His drum programming has few parallels in electronic music, while his touch on piano and synths is crystalline, as he brings that Deep House sensation made more luxurious and warm with soulful female vocals.
The track is so smooth that it oozes with the aromatic sensation of coconut oil on a hot sunny day at the beach. When DJ Seger’s attention is focused on the dancefloor, his music approaches the triumphant. Few producers are able to wring out such with so little; there’s a reason they call this Deep House.
“Summer Vibes” is a wonderful, sleek piece of EDM music. DJ Seger’s musical innovations elevate house to an art form that imbues dance music with a sense of deepness that audiences and producers alike will remain fixated on in the future. This is a rich timeless floor-filler.
The deep, loping groove is overlaid with resonating vocals in an arrangement that is addictively pulsating, and strong enough to make it one of this year’s EDM highlights so far. DJ Seger is also concerned with setting a mood and “Summer Vibes” is intended to transport us to exotic beaches without ever going anywhere. Can you guess the mood?
“Summer Vibes” captures that raw, driving energy that doesn’t always come through in many recorded mixes, making you feel like you’re at the center of DJ Seger’s party. This will appeal to every house lover, being a warm and deep melodic number.
He’s meticulous about sound, too, which means that his kicks hit quite hard. His instantly classic and timeless mix on this track, keeps him in the club, though there are a world of influences and inspirations in the music. The result is an unhurried and very personal production with blends, breakdowns and buildups, all allowing the music to do the talking.
For this track DJ Seger looks to set out his vision of house as he currently sees it, incorporating a sound and style that both looks forward and stays true to the genre’s deep, soulful signature. The opening section of the mix uses a kick drum and bass intensity to make you sit up and take notice.
Then the soaring melodic vocal style works its way into the propulsive rhythm, which comes into action with the exploding percussion. But then just as you think DJ Seger is going to continue building the banger, he takes his foot off the gas with the relaxed breakdown melody, before doubling up the dose and kick-starting the buildup.
Refusing to let the mood settle for too long, we get a harder workout from DJ Seger, giving the mix an extra dynamic energy before eventually closing down the luscious, melting groove. The most exciting moments come during the tensions of transition, between the verses and hooks, which along with the vibe he manages to lay down, speaks of the craftsmanship that DJ Seger puts on display here. Check him out!