Anastasia Khomenko – “Magic Christmas Night”

Christmas evokes a vast array of emotions. It’s a season of dazzling lights, scented chocolates, amazing food, an overabundance of presents, and precious family time. Within that context it is extraordinary the sense of exaltation and wellbeing that a perfect Christmas song can produce, somewhere deep within. One of the reasons Christmas songs bring such a sense of consolation and connection is surely their uniting positivity. There’s something simple and beautiful about Christmas music. Almost every single Christmas song revolves around themes of gratefulness and joy. One such song is, “Magic Christmas Night”, released on December 9th by Anastasia Khomenko.

Anastasia is a singer-songwriter from Ukraine, who has been making music since childhood. She has completed her music school studies in piano and academic vocal. She has released 18 singles and is now working on her album.

This year hasn’t been extraordinary in any positive ways, especially for the people of Ukraine, there’s really no way around it.  This Christmas won’t be the best ever, but if we can harness our gratitude and listen to some joyful music by Anastasia Khomenko at the same time, well, I think that’s pretty amazing in itself.

“Magic Christmas Night” is an upbeat song with an easily memorized melody, so you’ll be able to sing along in no time. However, despite its driven rhythm and energetic vibes, it brings a specific kind of coziness and warmth that leads to contentment, and a will to embrace the season. At least the song provides us that sense of comfort and joy that it feels like the past year has been lacking.

Christmas comes just once a year but it inspires a truly timeless selection of seasonal songs, such as “Magic Christmas Night” by Anastasia Khomenko. The overall arrangement and production of the song is stellar.  The fibers of the melody resonate throughout the notes that spill from every instrument. The song is guided by the fascinating tone and range that Anastasia voice projects.

No doubt, Anastasia Khomenko deserves a spotlight on major stages. Her sound is confident and comforting on the ear. She never forces her voice into spaces of pure vocal ornamentation and sings with effortless ease. The song is made complete through Anastasia’s natural charm and charisma. As crisp as the crunch of freshly fallen snow, everything she does fills the song, and her performance, with joy and cheer.

Anastasia Khomenko’s crack at the seasonal market with an original song is solid, holding its own amidst the rising tide of the same old songs re-rendered by a million different singers every year.

Simply put, Anastasia checks all of the right boxes with her latest release, which captures the magic of the season, making the irresistible sparkle of “Magic Christmas Night” an excellent entry into the Christmas music space, and a track that should truly delight fans of the genre.


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