Rogues Gallery – “Around Again”

“Around Again” by Rogues Gallery is a raw, introspective piece that leans into the dualities of life, particularly the tension between good and bad, and the cyclical nature of challenges and redemption. The lyrics paint a picture of a protagonist who is acutely aware of their flaws and the inevitable return of hardships, yet they remain caught in a loop of defiance and vulnerability.

The central theme of the song is captured in the repeated phrase, “Bad things come around again.” This line suggests a resignation to the repetitive nature of life’s struggles, yet it also hints at a deeper understanding that these “bad things” are integral to the human experience. The protagonist likens their life to a “boomerang” and a “hurricane,” metaphors that emphasize the inevitability of their return to past mistakes and the chaos they often bring. There’s a sense of fatalism, but it’s also tempered with a resilience—an acceptance that this cycle is part of who they are.

One of the song’s most compelling aspects is the exploration of the blurred lines between good and bad. The line, “Don’t you know that bad can be good,” challenges conventional morality, suggesting that the distinction between the two is not as clear-cut as it seems. The protagonist questions how one could truly understand what “good” is without experiencing the “bad.” This perspective hints at a worldview shaped by hardship, where adversity is seen not just as an obstacle but as a necessary component of personal growth and self-discovery.

The lyrics also delve into the protagonist’s psyche, revealing a complex mix of self-awareness and denial. Phrases like “I’m out of my mind” and “Maybe I’m out of my mind, or just obsessed” suggest a character who is grappling with their sanity, caught between obsession and the desire for connection. There is a push-pull dynamic at play, particularly in the lines where the protagonist asks for a chance in a relationship, acknowledging their own shortcomings while still hoping for redemption.

The chorus, with its repetition of “Bad things come around again,” serves as both a warning and a confession. It’s a reminder of the inevitability of suffering but also an acknowledgment that this cycle is inextricably linked to the protagonist’s identity. The recurring plea for understanding—”Don’t you understand what it means to be bad?”—is particularly poignant. It speaks to a desire for empathy and acceptance, even in the face of one’s darker nature.

Musically, the song’s mid-tempo rhythm complements the lyrical content, providing a steady, almost hypnotic backdrop to the existential reflections. The rock foundation of the song, with its driving guitar riffs and steady percussion, mirrors the relentless cycle described in the lyrics, reinforcing the idea that life is a continuous loop of ups and downs.

In conclusion, “Around Again” is a thought-provoking exploration of the complexities of the human condition. Rogues Gallery uses the song to delve into the inevitability of life’s challenges, the fine line between good and bad, and the internal conflicts that define us. It’s a song that resonates with anyone who has ever felt trapped in a cycle of their own making, yet finds a strange comfort in the familiarity of that chaos.


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