Guilherme Wolf – “No Donut For You”
Simply put, “No Donut For You” is a masterpiece. It’s fun, raw, and brimming with alternative and garage rock ‘n’ roll flavor; it’s infinitely entertaining and a non-stop wave of excitement; its off-the-cuff lyrics are potent and evocative. It is Guilherme Wolf at his sharpest. While there is a dirty quality to the sound, the live atmosphere and raw energy add layers to the wall of sound. The single will be part of the Brazilian indie musician and producer’s new full length album, called “Pre Raw Without Power”. The song comes blaring through the speakers like fighter jets, channeling a primal aggression reminiscent of the best punk works in its heyday.
“No Donut For You” is an obvious standout in Guilherme Wolf’s catalog, and extremely catchy and upbeat due to the keen drum and guitar work throughout. Wolf’s voice is a deep, gothic growl, sounding as though he could lapse into roaring anger at any moment (and does so several times on the track, in actuality), and sits alongside angular guitars, stringent bass lines, and banging percussion.
Sounding menacingly loud and booming, with its fractured melody soon evolving into a paranoid swirl of distorted guitars, gorgeous bass, gruesome vocals and sharply clever lyrics, all blending together to create an undisputed epic. “No Donut For You” is every bit as stunning as you’d expect from Guilherme Wolf. Most everything lands perfectly on this track.
Wolf navigates the track wonderfully, his vocals and the guitars lending enough power to bring on aggro-rock paroxysms. The dissonant and uneasy feeling which lays under the surface immediately comes to the forefront. Energy seems to be the primary foundation behind “No Donut For You”.
The frenetic pace of the track is filled with the same wild spirit that he’s rocked for the past few years. The dirty guitar work is spectacular, especially the solo interlude. It’s Guilherme Wolf that steals the show, though, as his boisterous vocals are what drives the tune. Every word that he says comes off as incredibly genuine and passionate. It’s so easy to get lost in the anthemic energy and not realize just how focused Wolf’s lyrics can be.
“No Donut For You” shows that Guilherme Wolf knows exactly what kind of musical path he’s taking, and it’s one that perfectly fits the place he is in. It’s the next logical step in progression following his previous releases.
All over the track, Wolf is reminding us, of all that he has accomplished thus far, and at the same time he is telling us that he’s not done growing as an artist just yet. From the stunning uniqueness of the guitar work on the song, to the beating bass lines and explosive drums, the layout of the song is magnificent. The intricacy is both impressive and extraordinarily satisfying.
Most importantly, his DIY music is an absolute blast to experience. Guilherme Wolf has relentless ability to inject infectiousness into every verse and chorus, while filling ears with a hard-hitting over-driven production. He creates a sheen of garage rock fuzziness that leaves no room for negative space.